Monday, May 18, 2009


With kidding and lambing ended, I've been thinking more about what we'll be doing next year. When to breed? Who to breed to who? Do I have the stock I'll want to feed over the fall/winter? What can I do better this year? What should I do the same? And on and on....

The big question at the moment that I need to I can plan around is..."When do I want to lamb/kid?" I had all January/early February babies this year except my younger ewes, and I kind of liked it.

What have you all found to be the best? Ove the last ten years we've done December-July, and I see several pros and cons to winter, spring, and summer.

Anyways...more on that later. For now I need to post these pictures and then get back to work.
Here are some more pictures of CK Katahdins for sale, as promised.

Ram Lamb $125 Sinai
Ram Lamb $125
Mordecai with Mom
$125 Jehospaphat
Ram Lamb $125
Ram Lamb Hadassah
Ewe Lamb $125



Mary Humphrey said...

Bethany, I have been seeing pretty photos of your babies pop in too. What would we do without them? And, isn't it amazing when the season comes to an end, and yes, we always start rethinking the next one. Take care...Mary

Anonymous said...

I really like lambing early in the year - January/February. The lambs are big enough to really take advantage of the lush, spring grass. We had lambs in January/February, end of March, and end of April. The ones born at the beginning of the year just seem to grow better overall. Plus you don't have to worry about the flys that time of year :) I love looking forward to the next year and deciding who to breed to who all over again! Your lambs are very nice.