The Rams (2011 only)
AV Louis
Bred to two ewes. still waiting on second ewe.
KRK 977 Johann
Bred to four ewes.
Eight lambs (1,2,2,3). Eight survivors. Three ewe lambs, five rams.
KRK 1068 Judah Ben-Hur
Bred to three ewes.
Six lambs (2,2,2). Four survivors. One ewe lamb, five rams.
DWB 14M Leipzig
Bred to one ewe.
Three lambs (3). Three survivors. One ewe, two rams.
The Ewes
CKN 321 Aravis
Birth Info: Twin 2/1/06
2008 - 3/3
2009 - 2/2
2010 - 2/2
2011 - 1/2
Five years old. Nine lambs. Eight successful.
DWB 10A Parsley
Birth Info: Triplet 1/9/08
2009 - 2/2
2008 - 1/1
2011 -2/2
Three years old. Five lambs. Five successful.
VJ 4025 Athens
Birth Info: Twin 3/2/04
2005-2008 Records unknown
2010 - 4/
2011 - 1/1
Seven years old. One year with us. One successful.
KRK 42 Rosalind
Birth Info: Twin 2/17/03
2004-2009 Records Unknown
2010 - 3/3
2011 - 3/3
Eight years old. Two years with us. Six successful.
DWB 10M Dotty
Birth Info: Triplet 2/29/09
2010 - 2/2
2011 -3/3
Two years old. Five lambs. Five successful.
DWB10P Hagar
Birth Info: Twin 4/25/09
2011 -2/2
Will be two years old. Two lambs. Two successful.
003 Juliet (Commercial Katahdin)
Birth Info: Triplet 3/09
2011 -1/2
Two years old. Two lambs. One successful.
002 Ophelia (Commercial Katahdin)
Birth Info: Triplet 3/09
2011 -2/2
Two years old. Two lambs. Two successful.
Maggie (Dairy)
Birth Info: Triplet 5/7/07
2010 (first lambing) - 3/3
2011 -1/3
Will be four years old. Six lambs. Four successful.
KRK Mercy
Birth Info: Twin 7/10/09
Still waiting. :-)
Current total: 9 ewes, 20 lambs. 16 surviving lambs.
Ram Lambs: 11
Ewe Lambs: 5
Posts on various lambing adventures when time permits. We were so blessed yesterday to get two sets of lively triplets! Everyone on the ground is doing well and we hope the ewes raise them all healthy through weaning.
Thanks for reading,
Drowsy Waters Farm